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Research Council

Research Promotion

The Research Promotion Council is the prime body of the College to promote, streamline and give overall directions to research in the College. The Council is constituted by the Principal with the senior most research guides and active researchers among the faculty of the College.

The main objectives of the committee
    1. Administration of research admission committee of the college
    2. Take up various measures of quality and quantity to improve research promotions
    3. encourage the faculty member to improve their qualifications by pursuing M.Phil./ Ph.D. programme available in the University.
    4. Promoting Research projects (Minor & Major Projects)
    5. Publication of research articles and related activities in prior reviewed/ University/ UGC approved, ISSN/ISBN numbered journal / books.
    6. Encourage the faculties for attending the state / National / International conferences / seminar/ symposia/ workshops and short duration training programmes.
    7. Depute staff for assessment/evaluation of research projects/dissertation/thesis.
    8. Support Financial assistance for M.Phil./Ph.D. and attending National and International Conferences funding by UGC/University / any other agencies.

Dr. Jubailiya P convenor